About us
Who are we?
Since 2008, our group of Transition Managers has been assisting companies in their development or transformation projects.
All of them are experienced managers who have built up their experience in industry and services, within large groups or consulting firms.
In France or abroad, each of them has proven their expertise and skills at the highest levels of responsibility in General Management, Industrial Management, Sales & Marketing, Administrative and Financial Management, Supply Chain Management and Purchasing.
This wide range of experience in various functions and sectors of activity has given them, in addition to their undeniable ability to adapt and react, a real aptitude for understanding situations and challenges, managing people and leading change projects.
Experienced, entrepreneurial, and operational, Skills-Alliance® Transition Managers intervene in all your development or transformation projects, as well as in crisis situations (turnaround, “PSE”, …), but also to manage strategic projects (acquisition, transfer, integration, …) or with environmental impact.
Whether you are a subsidiary of a large groups, mid-size companies or a start-up, the Skills-Alliance® group Managers are at the service of your managers and your employees, in the interest of your company and its shareholders.
Our "raison d'être"
We accompany you in all phases of your company’s life cycle: crisis management, crossing a sensitive threshold, new economic, managerial, organizational, cultural, or environmental challenges. We share all your challenges to meet them.
Our philosophy, our values
We believe that only the right combination of our human qualities and our experience can guarantee and consolidate the success and durability of our actions.
Goodwill and respect for the teams in place are at the forefront of our values; confirmed experts in people management, we are aware of their importance in maintaining a corporate culture that develops well-being, health and consequently, productivity and customer satisfaction.
As Skills-Alliance® associates, we always act with integrity, transparency, and humility towards our client; we know the necessity of listening without judgement, but also the primordial impact of managerial courage in the analysis of the company’s problems and weaknesses to obtain their resolution.
As specialists in organizational management and with our technical skills, we apply our experience and operational solutions with professionalism. Leadership and agility remain the key words of the Skills-Alliance® partner to meet the challenges and the evolution of each of its customers.
Why are we different?
As an association of interim managers (under the French law of 1901), we are an independent group, partnering with firms, investment funds and companies with whom we always work in the interest of their clients and their investments.
Our members’ expertise and know-how are guaranteed by a selection process aimed at ensuring the homogeneity of their skills and values. They all come from the best educational backgrounds and their experience as high-level executives allows them to address a wide variety of issues in different sectors.
Why call Skills-Alliance®
All stages of a company’s life, predictable and unpredictable, ordinary, or critical, may require the use of Skills Alliance® Managers. Beyond their experience, they are experienced in the management of difficult or complex projects and benefit from the mutual support and skills of the association’s members and experts and from their extended professional network.
- Creation, growth, and development.
Your company is a start-up looking to develop a new concept or you are in full development, and you want to launch a new activity or a new service offer, diversify into new markets, open establishments in France or subsidiaries abroad, … You are looking for an experienced manager to structure your organization and accompany your exponential growth.
- Performance improvement, cost and structure optimization.
Your organization is mature, and you are looking to improve your competitiveness and your performance, whether operational, organizational, or financial.
- Turnaround and crisis management.
You are looking for a new start, a new growth cycle. An activity is underperforming, and you need to restructure it (return to profitability plan, site closure,” PSE”, …), sell it or cease its activity (sale – judicial liquidation, …).
- Change, transformation, and strategic projects.
Your company is adapting to changes, you are considering a digital transformation, a new business model, a new work organization. You have to manage a fund raising, a sale, an acquisition, work on the integration of a new acquisition, … You want to outsource or relocate a non-strategic activity or on the contrary relocate an activity.
- On a daily basis.
You need to acquire a particular expertise, replace a key skill in your organization or be accompanied by a manager (transfer of business, taking up a position, developing a strategic project, etc.).
Our commitments
Skills-Alliance® managers will give you a clear and exhaustive vision of the situation before, during and at the end of the mission. Our commitment is to implement everything, in the respect of what will have been recommended and accepted within the company for a complete success of the mission, in terms of means and measures of the achievement of the defined objectives.